General Gameplay FAQ
Should I prestige? When?!
We will guide you through your first prestige when you reach stage 60! Prestiging will reset your stage progress, Sword Master levels, Spell...
How does Advanced Start work?
Advanced Start has undergone some changes in version 6.0:Advance start comes solely from milestone collection Always prestige back to a set ...
What Do the Special Titans do?
Currently, there are six special titans that you will come up against. Read on to see how they will help you progress further, earn more gol...
What Are Pets and How Do I level them Up?
Pets are going to be a big help to your Sword Master along their journey! You will be able to unlock your first pet once you reach stage 8. ...
Can I Make Any Progress While I'm Away From the Game?
Yes! You are able to inactively progress up until 99% of your highest stage reached. For example, if your max stage is 1000, you can progres...
What is the Current Highest Stage?
The current max stage is 180,000 -- but what happens when you get there?! Let us know when you find out!
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